Outlook 2016 For Mac Show Ruler
- Can't find ruler, pilcrow, text format in outlook 2016 Mac Can't find how to display the ruler in Outlook for Mac. I would also like to display the formatting symbols in the body of my email.
- Users of Outlook for Mac 2016 are not seeing what they're supposed to see. Color Categories The following link will take you to a Microsoft help page: Assign a Color Category in Outlook 2016 for Mac But before you go, here's some additional information you may find.
- If you are using Microsoft Outlook 2007 or 2010, it is quite easy to show or hide the ruler in the Message window. And you can do it as following: Step 1: Create a new email message: In Outlook 2007, click the File New Mail Message. In Outlook 2010, please click the New Email button in the New group on the Home tab.
If you are having problems with your email, one common diagnostic aid is a complete list of the message's headers. Headers show the path a message took to get from the sender to the recipient. The IT Service Desk or other technical support may ask you to provide a message's headers.
- Right-click (or ctrl-click) the message in your Inbox or other folder (do not open the message).
- From the menu that appears, select View Source.
I tried everything and in my case the only thing that solved the issue was selecting the New Outlook option from the top right of Mac Outlook. After that, Outlook relaunched with the new look and also Search now works. Mac mini M1 with Big Sur. Outlook for Mac 16.45. Hope this helps.
Your text editor (typically an application called TextEdit) will open, displaying all the headers for the message, followed by the message body.
If you need to copy the headers (to paste somewhere else),
- Drag over the text from the beginning of the text to the beginning of the body of the message.
- Press command-c on your keyboard; this copies the highlighted text to the clipboard.
- Then, with an email message or other document open, press command-v to paste the header text into that document.
In previous versions of Outlook, there was an option to enable a ruler which you also described in a previous tip.
Outlook 2016 For Mac Show Ruler Download
I have not been able to find this in Outlook 2016. I use this to create tab-stops to align my content and determine the with of images and tables for newsletters that I send out.
Outlook 2016 For Mac Show Ruler Pdf
Is this option really gone in Outlook 2016 or can I still somehow enable it?
Since Office 2013, the scrollbars were redesigned back to their simplest form again and with it, the cleverly hidden Ruler feature has been removed.
In Word 2013 and Word 2016, you can easily enable it again via the View tab by selecting the Ruler checkbox in the “Show” group.
In Outlook 2013 and Outlook 2016, you can enable it again by adding the “Ruler” command to the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) or the Ribbon.
Note: The ruler can’t be made visible when you are replying or forwarding a message directly in the Reading Pane. Click on the “Pop Out” button at the top to open the reply or forward in its own window.

Adding the Ruler to the QAT
To add the Ruler command to the Quick Access Toolbar:
- Create a new message (keyboard shortcut: CTRL+SHIFT+M).
- File-> Options-> Quick Access Toolbar.
- Set the “Choose commands from” drop down list to: Commands Not in the Ribbon.
- From the list of commands select; Ruler.
- Click the button: Add > >.
- Optionally; sort the commands on the right.
- Click OK.
Add the Ruler command to your QAT or Ribbon to set your tab stops.
Adding the Ruler to the Ribbon
Outlook 2016 For Mac Show Rulers
Instead of adding the Ruler command to the QAT, you can also add it to the Ribbon. You can then have it blend in a bit more.
View Ruler In Outlook Mac
- Create a new message (keyboard shortcut: CTRL+SHIFT+M).
- File-> Options-> Customize Ribbon.
- Set the “Choose commands from” drop down list to: Commands Not in the Ribbon.
- From the list of commands select; Ruler.
- In the pane on the right, select a tab to add the command to. For instance, the Format Text tab.
- Press the “New Group” button and name the group. For instance: View.
- Click the button: Add > >.
- Click OK.
Outlook 2016 For Mac Show Ruler Image
Extra Tip: Adding the Split Message command
While you are there and have created the View group, you might also want to add the “Split” command. This is another command which used to be available in the scrollbar area and has been removed since Outlook 2013.
The Split command allows you to view (and even edit) 2 sections of the same message at the same time so you don’t have to scroll back and forth.
This can come in quite handy when you for instance need to answer multiple questions.
Outlook Mac Ruler
For more information, see the original tip: Split your message compose window.