HomeSee webinar on Chemical Engineering Online Learning Screencasts Morethan 1,700 screencasts, which are short screen captures of a tablet PC withnarration. They include example problem solutions, explanations of concepts,software tutorials, introduction to topics, diagram descriptions, and reviews. |
Interactive SimulationsMore than 210 chemical engineering simulations thatallow the user to determine how system behavior changes when variables arechanged. |
Virtual Chemical Engineering Laboratories Two virtual laboratories (VLs) are currently available and another will be available soon. In these VLs, students can plan experiments, collect and analyze data, and write laboratory reports. |
Student Resources Resourceson how to study/learn, screencasts for FE exam preparation, screencaststhat demonstrate nonlinear regression and their corresponding Excel files, and screencasts thatdemonstrate POLYMATH software use and the corresponding POLYMATH files. |
| Interactive Self-Study Modules Morethan 75 modules; most include: introduction, ConcepTests, introductoryscreencasts, important equations, interactive simulations, quiz-yourselfsimulations, example problem screencasts, and key points. |
Step-by-Step Interactive Simulations Morethan 20 simulations that use a step-by-step procedure in which the user inputsan answer, and then checks the “solution box” to see the correct answer. Thesesimulations are useful for thermodynamics, separations, and/or material andenergy balances courses. |
Instructor Resources Morethan 2150 ConcepTests, which are conceptual questions that can be used withpeer instruction. Three OneNote-based course packages that contain class notes,ConcepTests, reading assignments, screencast recommendations, homeworkproblems, and exam questions. |

Interactive Thermodynamics 3.1 It allows you to interpret and generate data from thermodynamics 3.5 (22 votes) (See all).
Interactive Thermodynamics Software
This item: Thermodynamics: An Interactive Approach by Subrata Bhattacharjee Hardcover $191.99. Only 3 left in stock - order soon. Ships from and sold by Fluid Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications by Yunus Cengel Hardcover $102.00. In stock on May 18, 2021. My tutorials are a free multimedia thermodynamics text; Use the tutorials instead of a textbook or as a supplement to the paper textbook your instructor required you to buy Either way, you win because is free.