Tools Update For Msts
1. Download MSTS (Microsoft Train Simulator) form here.
From the MSTS Downloads Page site, download and run the MSTS v1.4 Train Simulator Update. Click 'ok' at the next screen. Then point the installer to your MSTS folder (this installer by default points to a 'C: Program Files ' folder, so you'll need to alter it), and click Unzip. From the MSTS Downloads Page site, download and run the MSTS v1.4 Train Simulator Update. Click 'ok' at the next screen. Then point the installer to your MSTS folder (this installer by default points to a 'C: Program Files ' folder, so you'll need to alter it), and click Unzip. 1 MSTS CD-1 Search in Google for Download Link 2 MSTS CD-2 Search in Google for Download Link 3 TrainUpdate1.exe Microsoft Version 1.4 Update.
2. Install DAEMON TOOLS LITE 4.0 from here.3. Now Install DAEMON TOOLS LITE 4.0 and double click on the shortcut at desktop.
Microsoft Train Simulator Update - Official MSTS update released April 2002, fixes numerous technical and operational issues; by Microsoft (Downloads from - File size: 7 MB) MSTS Bin - Unofficial Microsoft Train Simulator upgrade features day and night cab texture switching, front and rear cab switching, front and rear light. I really dislike the way Microsoft Train Simulator Editors & Tools are set up. I think they are too advanced for many people who are not expierenced computer users. They are very complicated. Instead of having fun making making my own routes and activities and cab views, I get overly frusterated trying to figure out how to work these programs.
4. Mount the 1st image MSTS1.nrg and run it.You will see the INSTALL option.CLICK on it.CLICK NEXT ARROW.Now it will ask for whether to install Adobe Reader.It's your choice whether to install it or not.After installing it you will see 2 options.
[1] Install Train Simulator with default installation options.(C:Program FilesMicrosoft GamesTrain Simulator)
[2] Customize installation options.
At&t Mst Tool
If you choose 1st option it will install it at default location.I would like to suggest not to do this.
Select second option i.e.Customize installation options.CLICK NEXT ARROW.
5. Create one folder MSTS IR in any local drive other than C. e.g. D:MSTS IR
6. Now CLICK on Change button.Select your folder to install e.g. D:MSTS IR and CLICK NEXT ARROW.
7. When 27% install is complete it will ask for the 2nd disk.Now go to DAEMON TOOL and remove disk1 i.e. MSTS1.nrg and mount disk2 i.e. MSTS2.nrg and click OK.Now WAIT till installation completes.CLICK on exit when 100% is done.
8. It is the stage of completion of traditional MSTS game which DON'T have Indian addons.
9. NOW Interesting part comes.We are going to install Indian Addons.
10. You will need some software s for that are listed below :
- Train Update1.exe (7.03 MB).Download link is here. (Find MSTS v1.4 Train Simulator Update at bottom & download it and other two are not needed (class-50 and sd-40 updates are not needed))
- MSTSPatch1.8.052113en (3.54 MB) Download from here. (Click on Download tab at left side and Go to bottom of page and download)
- Setup MSTS_SW (11.6 MB) Download from here. (Click on Download tab at left side and Go to bottom of page and see Screens & widgets and download)
- xtracks (17.3 MB) Download from here. (Select Download as END-USER)
- newroads (17.0 MB) Download from here. (Select Download as END-USER)
12. Create one temporary folder on desktop.
13. Now double click on Train Update1.exe and unzip the files in that temporary folder on desktop.Copy those files into your MSTS IR folder.Overwrite whenever necessary.This will update your MSTS to version 1.4.
14. Now unzip MSTSPatch1.8.052113en anywhere lets say on desktop and double click on Patch 1.8.052113en.exe.Select destination folder as your MSTS IR.e.g.D:MSTS IR.Install it.
15. Create one temporary folder beside your MSTS IR folder.
16. Now double click on MSTS_SW.exe and install it into that temporary folder.Now double click on your temporary folder.Double click on Train Simulator folder inside it.Double click it.U will find Gui folder.Just copy that folder and paste into MSTS IR.Overwrite whenever necessary.Delete all temporary folders created.

18. Extract on desktop.You will find XTracks.exe file.Double click on it.Follow instructions and install it into MSTS IR folder.
19. Extract on desktop.You will find NewRoads folder.Double click on it.You will see NewRoads_V40_MSTS1_Setup.exe file.Double click on it and Follow instructions and install it into MSTS IR folder.
20. Thats it.You are done !!! Now no other s/w needed for installing Indian Railways version.
21. Now I will show you How To :
- Install Indian Electric/Diesel locomotive.
- Install Indian Route.
- Create Indian consist.
- Install Indian Passenger Activity.
23. Before installation of indian addons I will explain you what each folder in MSTS IR stands for.Inside MSTS IR there will be two folders ROUTES & TRAINS.Inside TRAINS there will be two folders CONSISTS and TRAINSET.
ROUTES folder is used to store your own route here.Currently here are noe six default routes.You are going to install your new routes here.
TRAINSET folder is used to store your Electric/Diesel loco folder into that.
CONSISTS folder is used to store your new consists.
24. Now I will show you example of each.
How to install Indian Electric/Diesel Locomotive
I will show you installation of WAP4 loco of Mr.Gaurav Virdi.
Login into
Click on File Library tab.
Click on Search Files.
Click on Search only file section pick-list and choose Microsoft Train Simulator : Indian Electric Locomotives.
Click on Sort file list by pick-list and select Downloads.
Start search.
You will see third link is it.Extract it.
You will see consists folder inside it.Double click it.Copy all files and paste in the D:MSTS IRTRAINSCONSISTS
Now you will see TRAINS folder also.Double click it.You will see TRAINSET foler.double click it.You will see Wap1_4 folder.Just copy it and paste into D:MSTS IRTRAINSTRAINSET folder.
All done but still CABVIEW is missing for that Wap1_4 folder.So search file of Ronald Kappel extract it and copy CABVIEW folder into your Wap1_4 folder.
Yeah!!! Now run the game select any electrified route.Search your loco(WAP1 22052 Gaziabad WAP 4 22275 Kanpur/WAP 4 22352 Vadodara) and drive it.
Please always read carefully the readme.txt file inside every downloaded zip file because there might be inter-dependency between files.
How to install Indian coaches
Same procedure as like Locomotive installation.(If I get time later I will show you it also and also modify this blog :))
How to create Indian Consist
To create new consist use MSTS Editor and tools.How to use it and create new consist link is here.
Tools Update For Msts Update
Again go to search on and type solapur.Download :

Extract at desktop.
Extract at desktop.
Now you have two folders at desktop SOLAPUR1 & SOLAPUR2.
Double click on SOLAPUR1 and copy files from it and paste into D:MSTS IRROUTESSOLAPURTILES.
Double click on SOLAPUR2 and copy files from it and paste into D:MSTS IRROUTESSOLAPURTILES.
Now, & are used for textures.
All Done!!! Now Go to D:MSTS IRROUTESSOLAPUR and search for Installme.bat file.Double click on it.Wait for whole installation.
Your Route is ready to play.