Stop Microsoft Word Opening Automatically Mac
- Stop Microsoft Word Opening Automatically Mac
- Stop Microsoft Word Opening Automatically Macbook
- Opening Microsoft Word Documents
- Stop Microsoft Word Opening On Startup Mac
(Updated on 11/6/2017)So, here’s a quick question: how long does it take for your Mac to start up? A minute? Two minutes? Five? Or just too long? One possible reason your Mac may be slow out of the blocks is that it’s trying to launch a slew of programs all at the same time.
- Sep 18, 2006 Assuming that you are working under Mac OS X, look at the System Preference named Comptes (in french system). When its window is open, click on the tab named 'Ouverture'. You will see the list of items which are asked to open on startup. You may find the app itself or a Word document. Select the offending item then click on the '-' box to.
- I went to 'Finder Applications Microsoft Options 2011 Office Startup' and found three files in the folder - for Word, Excel and PowerPoint (which is not auto-opening at startup). I removed those files, and Word and Excel are still auto-opening at startup. These are all the suggestions I've seen online, and none has made a difference.
Now, some of these programs might be actually be ones that you do want to launch automatically, such as the Safari web browser, or Apple Mail. But other, not-so-necessary programs may be piling up in your Mac’s “login items” list, too—ones that set themselves to launch automatically without asking first.
Disable: You Are Opening the Application Microsoft AU Daemon for The First Time - Office Mac If you launch a Microsoft Office application (Word, Excel, PowerPoint,) on Mac OS X, you may receive a prompt about launching a Microsoft AU Daemon for the first time. You want to disable the resume functionality in Microsoft Word 2011, which will prevent it from trying to reopen documents when the program is launched. Enter the following command in the Terminal: defaults write NSQuitAlwaysKeepsWindows -bool false.
Another factor that may be slowing down your system is the Mac’s “Resume” feature, which re-opens any and all apps you had running when you shut down your Mac. That could lead to a crush of apps all trying to launch themselves at startup.
Last but not least, you may have specific programs on your Mac with “Launch at Startup” settings that you’ll need to find and disable.
Now, if you’re the patient type, waiting a little longer for your Mac to boot up so that your programs appear just as you left them might be a fair trade-off.
But if you’d rather shave a few seconds—or even minutes—off the time it takes for your Mac to settle down after hitting the power button, read on.
1. Cross items off your Mac’s “Login Items” list
Your Mac launches a series of programs each and every time it starts up. Some of these programs are critical for the smooth operation of your system; others, not so much.
To see a list of all the programs your Mac opens automatically, click the Apple menu in the top-left corner of the screen, select System Preferences, click the “User & Groups” icon (it’s under the “System” heading), pick a user (you, most likely), and finally click the “Login Items” tab.
You should now see a list of everything your Mac is launching (or trying to launch, anyway) whenever it starts up.
Some of the items will be easy to identify—in my case, I’ve got Dropbox and Google Drive (the handy file-sharing apps) listed, as well as something called an “Eye-Fi Helper” (an app that lets my Mac receive wireless images from my digital camera) and “AirPort Base Station Agent” (which keeps tabs on my AirPort Wi-Fi base station).
To delete these or other startup items from the list (but not from your Mac, mind you), just select them and click the “-” button at the bottom of the list.
2. Keep “Resume” from re-launching previously open apps
Don’t get me wrong—”Resume” is one of the handiest Mac features, especially for those of us who like to pick up in Safari or the Calendar app right where we left off.
But if you don’t want Resume relentlessly re-launching all the apps you had open when you last shut down your Mac, you can stop it from doing so.

The next time you select Shut Down or Restart from the Apple menu, take a closer look at the window that pops up; in addition to the “Cancel” and “Shut Down” or “Restart” buttons, you’ll also see a checkbox labeled “Reopen windows when logging back in.”
Click the box to clear out the checkmark, and the only apps that’ll re-launch the next time your power on your Mac are those listed in the Login Items menu.
Stop Microsoft Word Opening Automatically Mac
3. Check for program-specific “Launch at Startup” settings
So, you emptied the “Login Items” list and turned off the Resume feature, but there’s still a program that’s launching itself at startup. What gives? Well, it could be that the stubborn program has its own “Launch at Startup” setting.
Open the program, make sure it’s the active app on your desktop (just click its window if it isn’t), then find its Preferences menu; generally speaking, you’ll find it under its main menu in the Mac menu bar (like “Spotify” in the case of Spotify).
Once you’ve opened the program’s Preferences menu, look around for a “Launch at Startup” setting. If there are lots of different Preferences categories, start with “General,” then try “Advanced.” (In Spotify’s case, I found a “Open Spotify automatically after you log into the computer” setting under its “Advanced” settings.)
Found the “Launch at Startup” (or the equivalent) setting? Go ahead and disable it, then rinse and repeat for any other programs that are still launching themselves when you turn on your Mac.
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Apps opening automatically during startup on your Mac can slow down your computer. In this article, we are showing you the steps to stop apps from Opening automatically during Startup on your Mac.
Why Stop Apps From Opening Automatically On Mac
Most programs would like to make themselves available to you as soon as you start your Mac. Some programs add themselves to the list of startup programs on Mac or the user ends up adding them to the startup list by innocently clicking on the “Open at Startup” check box.
However, each application that opens at startup with your Mac needs resources and this ends makes the startup process longer on your Mac, resulting in a noticeably slower computer.
Hence, if you are wondering as to why your Mac is so slow to startup, the simple reason is because you have a long list of startup programs, some of which you may not even see because the Hide option is checked in the Settings for the program.
Check Which Apps Are Opening During Startup On Mac
Follow the steps below to take a look at the applications that are opening at startup on your Mac.
1. Click on the Apple Menu icon in the top menu bar on your Mac and then click on System Preferences in the drop-down menu.
2. On the System Preferences screen, click on Users & Groups.
3. On the Users & Group screen, click on Login Items tab to see the list of programs that are opening at startup on your Mac.
In case the programs that are opening at startup are not your favourite or the most commonly used programs, you will need to stop them from opening at startup and slowing down your computer.
Stop Apps From Opening Automatically On Mac Using Dock
Follow the steps below to stop Apps from opening at Startup on your Mac, in case the app that is opening up automatically is located on the Dock of your Mac.
1. Right-click on the App’s icon that you wish to stop from opening at startup.
2. After right clicking on the app’s icon, a menu will pop-up. From the menu, hover your mouse over Options and then click on Open at Login to uncheck this option. (See image below)
After unchecking the option, the next time your Mac starts up, the application will no longer open.
Stop Apps from Opening Automatically on Mac Using Settings
In case the App which is opening automatically during startup is not located on the Dock of your Mac, you will need to go into the Settings Menu of your Mac to disable such apps.
1. Click on the Apple Menu icon in the top menu bar on your Mac and then click on System Preferences in the drop-down menu.
2. On the System Preferences screen, click on Users & Groups option
3. On the Users & Groups screen, click on the current User Account that you are logged into (in case it is not already selected) and then click on the Login Items Tab (See image below)
Stop Microsoft Word Opening Automatically Macbook
4. Next, Select the App that you want to stop from opening at startup by clicking on it. Once you have selected the app click on the – button, to stop the app from opening at startup (See image above)
From now on the App will not startup automatically whenever you open your Mac.
Hide Apps Opening Automatically on Mac
Opening Microsoft Word Documents
Follow the steps below, in case you have no problem with an application opening up automatically with your Mac but want to hide the application from showing up during startup.
1. Click on the Apple Menu icon in the top menu bar on your Mac and then click on System Preferences in the drop-down menu.
Stop Microsoft Word Opening On Startup Mac
2. On the next screen, click on Users & Groups option
3. On the Users & Groups screen, make sure that your current Account is selected and then click on the Login Items tab (See image below)
4. Now, locate the application that you want to hide at startup and simply check the little box next to the application (See image above)
Now the application that you just hid will continue to open at startup but will be hidden from your sight, allowing you to see your desktop first.